Originally Posted by Anonymous
Has anyone ever had issues with trainer no showing to sessions. paid for sessions up front for a goalie trainer. Adult female, Mid 30s, played D1, based in Suffolk. Owes us 14 sessions (tried to be understanding person and purchase upfront as she seemed to be going through tough times). She has gone silent and MIA for the past 2 weeks. Has no showed in the past and always get excuses from her… flat tire, accident, doctor, mixed up schedule etc. She says no one forced us to pay for sessions upfront lol. How public would you make this? She pretty much stole money from us. Not returning calls, emails or instagram messages. What would u do? Legal route (attorney in home), public notice on social media (tagging of her club, college, an other clubs to stay away etc)? What would you do?

Ask her to return money in two weeks or you go public with her stealing your money. If no money, Social Media , Post about it to everyone, doubt it does anything , but at least maybe others will not make mistake. Sounds like a real piece of @ChillLaxin.