Originally Posted by Anonymous
Come on the guy is right. Besides the game is unwatchable. Who would ever play a position that can go an entire game without touching the ball. But great award Mary. BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

Like a football linebacker or defensive back???

I'm sure your daughter is fantastic, but can little Suzy handle not scoring? Do you not buy her a Slurpee like you used to when she scored a goal in PAL? Sad she needs the recognition of scoring a goal to validate herself in your eyes, doesn't get it enough at home or through her school work. That's why defenders are the most stable, well-grounded, kids on the team. Their self-esteem isn't validated by goals scored and dad's reaction to it. They understand the reward of hard work. What's going to happen when lacrosse ends, where will she turn with her esteem issues? Scary......