Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How's everyone feeling about mandatory COVID vaccines although not FDA approved in order to dorm and attend college next month?

I am very happy about it. It is the only way for these kids to have a normal college year. All of my kids (HS and college) are vaccinated and it was the right thing to do. Why would you not want your kid to to get it?

Same- very happy! Exactly, why wouldn’t you not want your kid to get it? If you do not want to get vaccinated to protect yourselves from getting sick- science, not politics. Than stay home and don’t go outside to become a human Petri dish for more mutants of the virus to develop. Thus , making the situation even worse for everyone. Or, go outside and play Russian roulette with your life? If your kids not vaccinated, please have them stay home and do remote learning. Could save their life and yours

Baa πŸ‘
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are everything that is wrong with the current administration. You are a sheep being led by politicians who are telling you something is safe. Masks proven to be useless. No govt should tell it’s citizens they must comply and put something in their body. Enjoy receiving a non-FDA approved vaccine. But it’s a free country and should stay free.

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