Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
MD hasn’t been better than Heros in a few years. Keep holding on to the past.

ummmm... is the past last saturday ?

M&D Black is significantly better than Heros and it really isn't that close. Heros peaked in 8th grade.

Watched all the games from the past 2 weekends between these 3 teams. While M&D has injuries other teams do as well and you put on the field who you put on the field. Here’s how I have it ranked as of today. The top 3 are interchangeable within a goal of each other imo all with different strengths.

2)Florida Select

Could probably make a case for top 4. Although EagleStix has been playing well. They beat Fl Select recently.

Hero's beats Aces. Aces beats M&D. M&D ties and beats Hero's. Fl Select splits with Eagle. Ties M&D. Basically it has been craziness. But in a good way.

These 5 teams are clearly at the top of the charts. Once YJ starts their tournament season, it should be a top 6. In no particular order. Should make for a fun season.

After the top 5 (and YJ making 6)...best I have seen has been Capital and Jesters. Although I have noticed Capital playing in some lower divisions for some reason.