Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Genesis takeaways

Dominate weekend for M&D black, firmly believe they are number 1.

Skywalkers over performed, still need a few pieces to take leap.

MDU and BLC remain inconsistent yet dangerous.

Coppermine continues to fly under radar for a very solid and well coached team

Quick take on your takes

M&D is rolling. They were clear best team all weekend.

Skywalkers didn't over perform. They played in an easy bracket. They should have been undefeated. Although props for giving Hero's a good game in playoffs.

MDU was a surprise. As well as they have been playing I would have expected a couple of wins. M&D absolutely mauled them. So did Hero's

BLC just can't get out of their own way. On to greeer pastures.

Coppermine beating BLC a small surprise. But they beat 2 really bad teams. Losing by 3 to Eaglestix was a good showing.

Aces had a LFTC hangover. Opening with M&D and losing, they never got into rhythm. They need more than 2 scoring options.

I think some of you are reading way too much into the final score in trying to determine how a game went. All these teams are in a grind right now. Its very hard to stay consistently on top each tournament, as evidenced by Hero's, YJ, Aces, etc. The early Saturday games were rough, wet fields, kids slipping all over.

Lots of these coaches are also trying to decide about next year and who is worth keeping or letting go, meaning different lineups and drops in play from 1st half to 2nd etc.

BLC is obviously not the same team they were earlier in the year, and with all due respect to Coppermine, who is a very solid team, that result is not a shock at all.

M&D is #1 right now. Aces laid an egg. Its clear to me they play elite because of draw play and a few shooters. Its also clear they have some egos and when things go south, it can go south quick there. Coaches/parents need to let some of those girls know they will be evaluated on play as well as what kind of teammate they are.

SW obviously good showing vs HG in playoffs, but they moonwalked into a playoff spot.

BLC girls are definitely distracted and rightfully so.

M&D Black is on fire and so deep with talent. Side note, very kind of their coaches to give Skywalkers a sideline tent and cheer them on during playoff game. Classy move and 90% of the girls are classmates and friends outside of lax

Face guarding nunber 2 at CES worked