Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Most good 27s would roll great 28s, that's just the way the year advance is at middle school age.

Coppermine 27s are about as physical as any team and if the refs are calling it correctly, are going to have issues with fouls and yellow cards.

Outside of maybe the Top 5-10 27 teams, Coppermine's 28 team would not get rolled.

BLC shouldn't be considered a top 10 program/club just because their 27 team is good. There is no HS program and the rest of their teams are average. Same with M&D Shore. Hero's White is a B team and will never be a Top 10 team. Lots of other A teams/clubs to play for before playing for a Club's B team.

More like top 20-25.

The OP wasn't clear enough. Do they want to know about programs or teams at 27 year - those are different things?