Originally Posted by Anonymous
Local teams rankings for 2023-2024

1) Hero's Green
They are deep and strong and have the best scoring in the age group

2) M&D Black
The top defense, they capitalize on every mistake

3) MD United
Great middies and an offense that moves the ball with many scorers

4) Capital
Could be top 3, added great talent but not sure how deep with some BLC players not going there

5) Coppermine
They are gritty and won't back down and just added more talent. They are the Navy football of girl's lax.

6) Skywalkers Blue
By my count, its 21 new players since the 2021 spring season concluded. They could be in the top-10 mix.

7) Hero's White
The top of the next tier, I think they can be a top-25 team, they are well coached, just too many TOs.

8) Pride Red
They lost a ton of talent this offseason, not sure how they will look.

9) M&D Shore
They are a poor man's Coppermine, won't back down, but their schedule is really weak.

10) Integrity
Lost one of their top scorers, but have some solid players

11) NEMS
ITs been a long drop since they top-10 in the nation a few years ago.

12) Renegades
Lack of depth hurts

13) CCLax
The talent that left wasn't replaced

Will be interesting to see how HS teams change these club teams.

1. M&D Black
2. Heros Green
3. MDU

The rest is probably up for grabs at this point and we won't really know until the end of the fall season.