Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To clarify Rec. vs other club kids- Coppermine picked up 2 top FCA girls that currently play soccer at Coppermine. Understand the 3rd came from M&D. The 4th I am not sure which club she played for but understand played up a year (26’s) and is now playing for her current graduation year. She is a good player as she played on my daughter’s AU team a few weeks back. The M&D girl is another really good pick up. So I have to agree with the original post that Coppermine should be better this year.
I would rank the 27’s in 2022 as noted below-
1- M&D (Red)
2- Hero’s(Green)
3- Pride
4- BLC
5- Coppermine
7- MDU
8- LBC
9- bunch of possibilities

Thanks for clearing that up. I believe the one you refer to is from Redshirts 26. She is a solid player for sure.

I can see Pride getting ranked so high if its true they had good pickups, but seems BLC lost some talent. I can't argue with the top 8 though I think 5-8 could all beat or lose to one another. BLC, and how much they lost talent wise, will be interesting to see.

Also, Im sure you meant M&D Black at #1, not Red.

I'd argue 3-8 (and maybe 9,10,11) could all beat each other on any given day. Would need lots of special things to happen for Heros or M&D's top team to lose again any of the others in a full 40-44 minute game.

The one team noone seems to be talking about is TLC. They had a bunch of strong pickups (combined with already having one of the best 3 or 4 players in this age group). While they won't challenge the top, I see them definitely competing in the 5-8 range by spring.

I’ve never seen TLC play. We’re they in NGLL? Who did they play in summer tournaments? Saying they have a top-4 player at 2027 age is quite interesting, is she middie?

Again, can’t pass judgment as I know nothing about them.

If you have seen TLC play, you will notice #18, daughter of the former national team and Georgetown coach. Could easily start at middie or attack for any club in MD at the 27 age group.

I don't know anything about who they may have picked up, but if it is 3 or 4 solid players, they can be competitive in the bottom half and A in NGLL. (definitely a step above Integrity, FCA, SW, Hero's White, potentially more).

The team was formed in early fall, so they didn't even get a full season tryout to acquire talent. I saw their beatdown of AIM at Crabcake, you know that they can play at that level. I expect them to be at the level of the older TLC teams sooner rather than later.