Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any playersfrom other teams you recognize?

Coppermine black (3+), M&D B (1 or 2), integrity, bunch of BLC, cc lax and tons from nems (8+)
8 from NEMS? Will the team survive or take all the leftovers once this weeks tryouts are over?

At best, 2 girls from NEMS could make SW Blue, likely only one. If NEMS implodes, it won't be because of SW.

However, if SW can nab 3 or 4 starters, especially their 2 star defenders, they could be a top 15 team next year.

SW needs middies who can run AND defend; A second line of D and better coaching on offense. Nems is going to need a lot. Coppermine should be ok, but i do think they overperform. Really it's a crapshoot as all these girls are becoming women athletes. Hero's didn't have tryouts? Smart.