Originally Posted by Anonymous
What I noticed while watching a few M&D games this weekend is: M&D is explosive because they have 7 capable players on offensive that penetrate to move the defense, move the ball effectively and they play as a unit. Also, You can't aggressively push up on them defensively it makes too many holes for them to expose. Fun to watch.

Hopefully for the sake of MID Atlantic competitiveness: Coppermine girls stay get a few pieces and same for SW. Need another Top A team since BLC is no longer

Also, HG defense is not terrible, not sure what games you are watching.

My daughter's team has played against Heros many times over the past 2 years, losing all by one of those games.

Heros is a top 3 team in the nation depending on the weak. They aren't bad or even average at anything. Anyone who thinks so isn't watching or doesn't understand lacrosse.

All that being said, here is what I see as their strengths and weaknesses COMPARED TO OTHER TOP 5 NATIONAL TEAS (M&D, YJ, Aces, ES). They are better in all areas against almost anyone else

- Depth: In my mind, their greatest strength. The talent they bring off their bench is still elite. M&D is probably the only one who is even close

- Goalie: All top 5 teams have outstanding goalies. I think YJ #1 is probably the best in the country, but Hero's goalie is close

- Defense: Work very well as a team and don't give up cheap goal. A couple of their Low defenders are weak in 1:1 matchups. Good teams try to isolate their girls and win on 1v1 matches. Hero's starting middies are probably a bit below the rest on their defense. They're clear is outstanding with great positioning. The goalie does a great job communicating to her D.

- Middies: Outstanding in terms of speed, depth, Lax IQ and decision making. Probably the best middle unit out there

- Attack: Probably middle of the pack. Lots of talented girls here, who are great in transition. Heros doesn't run their offense through attackers like M&D, ES and YJ do so a bit harder to compare. Their redefending is often inconsistent and they don't create many turnovers on clears.

- Draw: Probably the weakness of the team. They do well against lower teams, but don't have the size or athleticism on the circle that some other top 5 teams do.

- Coaching: outstanding. Everyone knows their role and they are able to make adjustments as needed