Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do you guys really think AA is apolitical? Only ONE evaluator is not affiliated with a club or school. I detest to break it to you, but both have their issues.

AA is the worst. American Select came into existence because of how bad AA is. Club and high school coaches back room deal and always get the players they want chosen. sometime they're the top players but sometimes not. same clubs have coaches as evaluators year after year

In the past AA has not paid it's evaluators or coaches. So they are doing this for free. Do you think a LI/Mid West coach is going to come to Baltimore for FREE to be a unbiased evalutaor? I'm not saying AA is perfect but considering AA is not owned/run by 2 club directors I'd take my chances with AA.

Isn’t AS run by a club director too?[/quote]