Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
AS- looking at the makeup of the teams and have to question evaluations keeping in mind some girls may have had a bad day. HG is clearly the top 1 or 2 with M&D because they are made up of the some of the best players in the area I thought. So is it the girls or coaching in each of these situations because only 3HG & 3 M&D Black made the Red Team while 6 SW made it. So does SW have better players but their coaching/ system lack due to current performance or is there more than performances that determine teams? Now the Yellow Team or B I was told has 5 HG, 2 M&D and only 1 SW. Any insight?

As a WHOLE, HG and M&D Black are the best teams. But to think that there are not girls out there on other teams who are just as good, if not better, than girls on those two teams is notIntelligent.

Actually, 95-99% of the best talent in the area was comprised of 3 teams. BLC being the other. Now BLC players have scattered. So in theory, yes, there are a few top players not playing on those 2 teams. Although 2 of BLC best ended up on Hero's and M&D.

If you made "all-star" teams outside of Hero's and M&D and played them with the best 20 you could find, you still wouldn't beat either one of them. Those 2 teams are that good.

I recommend you go look at the rankings, and look up some of the scores of their games, you’ll realize that your statement is not true.

Those two teams prob have the most depth but talent wise, several teams can compete, and have.

In the DMV? Bethesda was the only other team that could compete. Nationally is a different story. Locally, other than Hero's and M&D beating each other, neither lost another game to a DMV opponent.

You may have a game where scores were close. But not very often. Trust me, my daughters team plays both a few times a year, it's a different level.

Games were close, ie, a chance to beat them, then you add in an “all star” team, of course they could beat them.

M&D Shore beat HG last fall as example, MDU tied them.

The idea no one could beat them locally is just a fallacy,

Hero's beat Shore 11-4 and 14-2. The White team even beat Shore.

As stated. Nobody beat Hero's and M&D except each other locally. United tied Hero's once if it makes you feel better.