Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Shading or calling a spade, a spade?
Don't be a donk, take L and just be better next time. The point is make try to make general references, doubly so when calling out deficiencies. Unlike a pro sports forum, we are here taking about other people's young children arguably to or in front of them.

Not the op, but it is slightly amusing me to me that people have absolutely no problem calling out other girls all the time. But as soon as something is said about the “champs” you all start clutching your pearls. Everyone knows that there are quite a few girls on that team who don’t really belong, but are only there because their parent/relative coaches or their parent is so far up the coaches [Censored] they can’t see the sun.

Amusement? Or, is it bemusement? You may be missing logic and common sense, if not common courtesy. I was speaking generally about disparaging any kid from any team using identifiers. People even tip-toe around using jersey numbers; it's just a nod to avoiding more emotional BS here.

Back to our regularly scheduled program... let's get odds on these summer tourneys so I can start super-sizing my big gulps.