Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Unbiased review of the weekend

Aces was the best team all weekend. They got challenged twice. Both times against M&D. one goal games each time. And yes, #2 is still a beast. They only have 2 losses this season, both against M&D

M&D came to play. Many people thought they would not be a factor in this tournament. They have not been great recently. But if there is a championship at stake, expect M&D to win it or be in the final. It seems like every tournament.

Hero's played really well all weekend. Just ran into M&D in the semis. They seemed a bit lethargic. After scoring first against M&D, it seemed like they barely had the ball the rest of the game. Still think they have done enough to be considered the #1 team at 27's for now. Their season has been tremendous.

YJ. This is what happens when you play in a championship tournament (not like LLL). When you put yourselves in the cupcake divisions, you aren't ready for the tougher playoff matchups. Happens every year to them. Kill everyone in bracket play, then get to playoffs and don't perform.

MDU came to play. They always battle. They will play anyone, anywhere, any time. Beating YJ was certainly an upset. But in a 22 minute game, MDU is not a team you want to see. They were a pleasant surprise. And fun to watch.

Biggest disappointments have to be LI Top Guns and BLC. I thought Top Guns would show up and battle. But they are a shell of what they were last year.

BLC, I am not sure what I saw. A team loaded with talent getting blown out by M&D and Pride. Yet playing Aces and Hero's tough. Something is clearly wrong with this group. They should be a top 5-6 program. Yet they cannot get out of their own way. I am sure some parents are already planning tryouts with other clubs.

After LFTC (rankings for the year)

1. Hero's
2. Aces
3. M&D
4 YJ
5. Eaglestix
6. Madskilz
7. MDU

Usually when someone says "unbiased" that isn't the case but this is a really solid review!

We played M&D, Aces and HG over the last couple of months and they are all really good. Personally I think M&D has the best top to bottom roster (horde talent) but Aces and HG are slightly better. (think Aces > HG)

Tryouts will be interesting, I would imagine top bottom roster girls at M&D land at places like Coppermine or SWB so they touch the field more.

BLC girls will all try for Cap Blue but those who don't make it will also head north to find a spot, already saw some BLC girls showing up at practices at multiple programs

Hey man...I kept it unbiased. lol

My kids team played 2 of these teams this weekend. Didn't win either. But watched a lot of other teams.

Just my opinion. I'm sure others are just as or more accurate than mine