Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hearing it’s a mess and they are trying to get the rosters fixed.

Accidentally cutting kids in the first place doesn’t sit right with kids (and more-so, paying parents). “Oops, my bad,” is not a good look.

Who were the coaches evaluating?

And we haven’t even gotten to the girls who made the team to begin with, that are gonna get less playing time now with new additions.

What do you mean? You saying girls who didn’t get callbacks are now being offered spots?

Not sure if is accidentally being cut. More like being waitlisted. I know a number of girls who tried out and wanted to make the team as a resume builder, but had no intention of actually playing for it.

Just got confirmation that AA will be moving up their tryouts to right before the HS season next year so it will be interesting to see how that impacts the talent split between the two events at old age groups.

AS has their tryouts during high school season. They will move them earlier and earlier to get the $150 tryout fee abs $700 player fee locked in for a resume builder!! Highlight always had the most talent and 25 AS took a hit in some areas with them adding the Burn division. Younger kids that aren’t being recruited will still have a cheap option and an expensive one that benefits Steps and his club friends.