Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
MD Red gets exposed in championship game 10-4.
LI Black with coaching adjustments and just did a smarter job compiling their roster.

That LI team was like what, 16 YJ kids? Obviously it would be easier to make adjustments with that group all from same club. It was tied at half. It was a fine weekend, losing in championship in all star event is no reason to question the tryouts. Maybe a few on yellow woulda helped, yes. Maybe a few cut or didn't try out woulda helped yes.

Long Island Black basically came with their YJ club team to AM (as noted 16 girls). No excuses for the MD teams but there's something to be said about bringing your A club vs an All Star team that only practiced 1 time together. Looks like LI treated this as just another tournament with their A team plus a few others. Only thing they changed were their coaches which coached the LI B team. Not saying this is right or wrong but their should be some player limits per regional team to represent or this AM event should just be another Club Tournament.

3/4 of the winners were essentially club teams - Upstate was nearly entirely Monster with only 1 non-Monster player. 27s and 28s were basically just YJ.