Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hearing it’s a mess and they are trying to get the rosters fixed.

Accidentally cutting kids in the first place doesn’t sit right with kids (and more-so, paying parents). “Oops, my bad,” is not a good look.

Who were the coaches evaluating?

And we haven’t even gotten to the girls who made the team to begin with, that are gonna get less playing time now with new additions.

How does one accidentally cut kids? Are you saying some that worked hard to make it and got an offer should have been cut? And the evaluators know some of the cut girls well enough to know they got cut but shouldn’t have so they are now getting offers too? Or is it just parents of girls that got cut complaining? Not sure what the “mess” is that you are speaking of. Last year they didn’t post team until June.

None of the regions w tryouts last weekend have posted rosters so it’s not a case or last minute adds as you claim- more of a delayed posting due to long holiday weekend. They are not adding extra players- you’ll see when the rosters come out
They can only take a certain number per team- not sure where you got your info