Originally Posted by Anonymous

You don't know what will happen over the next 5 years, find a club she/you can enjoy the ride. if your kid is good, she will get seen regardless of what club she plays for.

As someone else who has daughtets who have been through this, I agree with one important caveat.. Club doesn't matter assuming it is an A club in Maryland. Have a very talented niece in a non-lacrosse state (California) and club is much more important for her.

Thinking about my oldest daughter's club team, 12 girls went D-1 and 2 more had D-1 offers but chose D-3 schools because of better academic fit. Of those 14 girls, only 2 maybe 3 received offers based on their performance during club tournaments. The rest got offers from performances at prospect days or all-star teams.

Admittedly, some got invited to prosepct days because of their club, but they had to perform in front of the coach. The biggest advantage of being at a top club , especially in the new recruiting environment, is that you can get recruiting feedback via your club director before your junior year. This means you can target the right prospect days and showcases to market yourself.

If you are worried about recruiting now (and you shouldn't be) other than getting good grades, the focus should be finding a team where 1) your daughter will play and 2) you will face good competition on a regular basis and 3) your club plays in the top recruiting tournaments (L4TC, Chesapeake, LLL, G8, mid-atlantic) . Most important thing over the next few years is getting 5 good minutes of film before sophomore year as you start to get on coaches radar.