Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Based on schedules I predict these teams finish top 8:
Hero’s Green 8-0 / 7-1 are M&D (only possible loss is to BLC), BLC (if beats M&D) & Pride / 6-2 MDU & Coppermine since both have relatively easy schedules/ SW 5-3 and honestly can’t predict the eighth & final team. Now only upsets would be if Hero’s and M&D didn’t finish 1 & 2 in either order, BLC in Top 4 or if Pride & MDU didn’t finish Top 8. Everything else is up in the air for the taking.

Way too much time and went through all the schedules:

1 Hero's Green and M&D (8-0): Just don't see anyone upsetting them this year and they don't play eachother
3 MD United (7-1): Favorable schedule with only loss to Hero's Green. Pride is only other "tough" game
4 BLC, Pride & Skywalkers (6-2): BLC got done dirty by the schedule makers. 1 of 3 teams to get both M&D & Hero's Green (others are Next Level & Renegades). Pride loses to Hero's Green & MD United. Skywalkers gets a great schedule draw and could move up to tie for #3 if they can upset Pride - time to see if they have added enough pieces to make the step up this season.
7-11 Hero's White, Integrity, M&D Shore, Renegades & Stars (5-3/4-4): this is where it will get messy. A bunch of teams that look to be 5-3 or 4-4 and too many scenarios to predict who gets the honor of being opening round fodder for M&D and Hero's Green.
12-13 CCLax & Coppermine (3-5): Both could move into the 7-11 group, but Coppermine is such an enigma to figure out.
14 NEMS (2-6): Lost too much with other teams making improvements
15-18 FCA, MC Elite, Next Level & Rebels (1-7/0-8): tough first season in the A division.

Looks like playoffs are pretty much set. Wasn't too far off the predictions above.

#1 M&D (8-0) vs. #8 Stars Light Blue (5-3) [5/7 9am Western Regional 4]: Congrats Stars! Here's to hoping you keep it tighter than the game earlier this season.
#4 MD United (6-2) vs. #5 Pride Red (6-2) [5/7 10am Western Regional 5]: MD United won 7-5 first game of the season. Should be a good rematch for those who said Stars were done. Hopefully no spring break trips next week.
#2 Hero's Green (8-0) vs. #7 Hero's White (5-3) [5/7 9am Western Regional 5]: Should be fun for White to finally get a shot at Green. Don't expect too much of a game here.
#3 BLC (6-2) vs. #6 Coppermine (5-3) [5/710am Western Regional 4]: Congrats to Coppermine for growing this season. Historically inconsistent, looks like they turned things around. Now they get a one and done in the playoffs.

Above assumes M&D wins and holds MC Elite to 8 goals or less (not a big assumption) and MD United wins and holds Rebels to 9 goals or less in the final action on Saturday, 5/6.