Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The bigger question is where is the "major talent" coming from they speak of? Players from M7D, Hero's or MDU are not coming to SW unless they get cut. And that means they are not major talent. Otherwise, I don't see a lot of high end talent on other lower tier teams.

Not saying SW (or any team) cannot improve. But the 27 team is never getting anywhere close to the top 2 or 3 teams.

And Hero's is done with tryouts at this point (not to say they may not try to add, but probably done with letting girls go).

Lots of quality players on M&D B and HG that can probably play significant minutes if they go to nems, Coppermine or SWB
I would not hold your breath on Heros not letting people go. The bottom of the roster should be concerned.

I'd be shocked if any girls are "cut" from Hero's Green. Maybe they leave on their own, but I highly doubt anyone will be cut.

Not many girls get "cut" after high school, they just stop getting playing time and get the message. Worst case, you are "advised" to switch to the B team to get more playing time.

May be a dense question but I have no prior experience with this- how will be there be so much movement the year if current players don’t get cut this year or does HS mean next summer? I understand the DC, MD & VA girls going to Capital since they don’t start until HS. But what about out of state girls playing during HS Summer Tournaments I read about or SW picking up top kids from other teams that I read about? Or is it just back filling girls that quit lacrosse in HS?

Each club is different. Hero's generally stops open tryouts when the girls are entering high school. Doesn't mean girls won't leave or be added, but generally aren't cut or moved down. M&D and SW generally have tryouts for girls still in HS. The rest of the clubs are a crapshoot. M&D and SW will probably add an out of state girl or two and some may be moved down to B.