Originally Posted by Anonymous
After the first two weeks are there any surprises- teams over-performing or underperforming? I’m newer to this but clearly see there are some with a lot of knowledge. Any teams to keep an eye on or future match ups that could be important? M&D Shore is 4-0 but seems their toughest 4 games are still to come. Big 3 seem fine. Who looks to be in the best position of all the 2-1 teams? Lastly- Pride & SW- could another loss knock them out of the playoffs with 3 losses? Thoughts? Interested in your knowledge.

Agreed M&D Shore has looked good, but could very easily see them end up 4-4, most likely 5-3.

On the flip side, Renegades has clearly declined vs the fall and past year.

If there has been a surprise, I would say it is CCLax. Wouldn't be shocked if they sneak into the playoffs, can't see them finishing below 4-4. Really big matchup on the 23rd against Skywalkers.