Originally Posted by Anonymous
LFTC Predictions

To be honest picking the bottom four groups are just wild guesses

Playoff Teams:

Blush: Metro
Carnation: Steps Carolina
Coral: M&D Shore
Fushchia: YJ North
Magenta: Steps CA
Pink: YJ B
Rose: Monster, Coppermine
Ruby: YJ, NEMS
Salmon: Heros, Jesters, MDU
Scarlet: Aces, M&D, BLC

Quarters: Aces over Monster, YJ Over Jesters, M&D over MDU, Heros over BLC
Semis: Aces over YJ; Heros over M&D
Final: Aces over Heros

Should be a great tourney.

Pretty accurate overall, how bout MD with three of the final four. Not a bad showing even if Aces did win it all.