Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any predictions for mid-atlantic.

Here are mine.

Group winners (and playoff qualifiers)

Blue: Renegades
Grey: M&D Black, Pride
Green: Rebels
Pink: YJ A, Aces
Purple: Alliance CA
Yellow: Eagle Stix Grey, Rev

Semis: YJ A over Pride, Aces over M&D
Final: Aces over YJA

Watch out for Alliance CA in the quarters thought. They will give Aces of YJ a heck of a game and wouldn't be shocked if they pulled the upset. They are a top team and have no business being in such a weak division.

You can pull every kid in Southern California together and form a team (which is what Alliance is) and they ain't sniffing Aces, M&D or YJA

M&D beats Aces in final. I predict this only because they play each other every tournament....sometimes more than once. 2 best teams. Good luck to everyone.


In ten years, it’ll be different

Probably right. Cali, Colorado, Florida, maybe even Texas. Lacrosse is starting to grow and more girls are playing.

You think anything is designed to “grow the game”, far from it. You have elite teams coaches calling parents to poach their kids , soley to weaken competition, that’s a reality.

On the boy's side, why do you think Calvert Hall carries 140 kids in their lacrosse program?
Just so they can't go to the competition.