Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I guess it was just a matter of time before the warm climate states started to produce quality teams/players - Florida, Texas, California soon enough. The benefit of being able to play and practice year round outside on a full field is huge. These small sided indoor games where every kid gets the ball and iso's isn't the same as the field game where running the length of a full field, passing to open teammates and taking the draw all come into play.

This is all true. You can tell Eagle Stix and Madskilz play all year. They head into fall and winter rolling.

Those 2 teams are here to stay. Eagle Stix is definitely a top 2-3 team. Madskilz top 7-8 for sure. Here's the list (no specific order)

Eagle Stix

After that it's subjective

Exactly. The gap after the top 10 is massive. reality is that the 10th team is much closer to 40th than they are to 1st.

This couldn't be more inaccurate.

As far as ranking, look at 2020-2021, not the fall rankings.

No doubt there's a gap between elite and good teams but there is a huge gap from say the top-15 teams and top-30 and lower.
Just look at the scores from the summer.

As these girls develop and learn to play D and coach throw without unforced TOs, the gap starts to narrow.

I can also tell you, the California/Texas teams have a long way.

Part of the success of the Florida/GA teams is the lack of club options. In MD/NY, there are so many good clubs, the talent gets distributed. Imagine if there was no Coppermine/NEMS/MDU and those top players were on M&D or Hero's, how much of a force they would be.

This is true about Florida. But for right now, all of the better players in Florida and Georgia reside on Madskilz and Eagle Stix. Unless that changes, they are always going to be tough.

If you took the best talent from M&D, Hero's and threw in a few others and made one team, they would be impossible to beat. But the DMV talent is spread out. So that's not going to happen.