Time for my UNBIASED year end rankings

Most of the top teams have 1 tournament left. Either through the G8 or Mid Atlantic Championship.

Aces, M&D, Eagle and Fl Select are top draws at Mid Atlantic

Hero's, YJ, MDU and maybe Steps are top teams at G8

Regardless of outcomes, I think some things are settled for the year. Some teams will have missing kids or tryouts that affect the last tournaments.

Top 10 teams (and yes, top 4 are clearly better as a whole for the year)

1. Hero's. Great season, although losing to M&D twice in 2 weeks shook things up. They need a piece or two to stay at top 3 for next 3 years. But who doesn't

1A. M&D. Playing by far the best. But Hero's body of work up until recently means they share the 1 spot. Offensive firepower tops in the country. Need another lockdown defender.

3. Aces. Get's the nod over YJ. Because they have been more active. They have 5 losses this season. 4 of them by M&D. Need to learn what "team" means

4. YJ. Great talent, great season. Threw in a clunker at LFTC. Plus they don't play a lot of tournaments. Still easily top 4.

5. Eaglestix. Great season. Always seem to be 1 step behind the top 4 teams. Appreciate the fact they will travel to play good teams. Huge draw advantage. Needs more speed on offense

6. Fla Select. Another great season. Same as Eagle. Just a step behind. Great showing at Mid Atlantic can vault them to 5. Just need a tougher full season schedule. Which given their location isn't their fault. Fast team. Soft defense.

7. MDU. Although Hershey was terrible, their body of work for the season was better than expected. They always have a tough schedule. Well coached. They look tired.

8. Bethesda. I'm sure people may not agree. But they are still really good. Despite playing uninspired for the last 2 weeks. If you see them on your schedule, you know you are bringing your A game. Good luck to those finding new teams.

9. Jesters. Bit of an enigma. Beat some really good teams. Threw in a couple of head scratchers against average teams. Tough D. Need to find some scoring. Not a team you want to see in a 20 minute playoff game.

10 Steps Nj / Steps Cali. They can share 10 spot. Both really good teams. But not great. They need to play better teams to get recognition as top teams.

Honorable mention for solid seasons and performing above expectations

Coppermine, FLG, Pride, Prime Time

*** Three asterisks for to Alliance. Yes I know they are good. But they barely play. And given the opportunity to solidify a top 10 ranking at Mid-Atlantic, they end up in a 2nd tier bracket. Confusing to me.

Again, just my unbiased opinions. I don't think anything that happens over the next few weeks would change my mind. In fact, it would be nice to see Eagle, Fla Select or Steps ruffle a few feathers at years end.

Good luck to everyone