Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do you have any idea how many great players currently in College & beyond didn't start playing until High School? Way more then you would think. Why are parents looking at this as such a threat (at least that is how it comes across).

Looking at it as a threat? No. Looking at it logically, yes.

I agree, back, 10-20 years ago, plenty of kids picked up sticks for the first time in 7th, 8th grade and were D1 talents. I just don't see that happening in this current era.
Could it happen? Sure, its a rare exception.

Name a few current college players that never played until HS, its sure to be in the bio since its so rare.

I'd also add these kids today are so further along at this age, then in years past. Our club coach who was an All American states this all the time. Its great for the game, they are going to take it to new levels.

Totally Agree.... The days of picking up a stick in HS and playing in College at D1 or D3 are over, an exception might be in the boys case where there is a 6'5" super athletic defender (with a long pole) who is strong, but the likelihood is that the coach would add him to the team but not play him due to the lack of experience. Lax is very technical and not understanding slides alone will make it very hard to get on the field...

Sorry guys,,, This game is not a easy one, club players are putting in work, hours of wall ball, shooting, dodging, clinics etc. Very few Rec teams have coaches that going to be able to get the girls putting in that type of work. Yes there may be one kid whose parent (or sibling) played at a high level, but in all likelihood they would have her play Club if she were any good. But I don't see how a new to Lax or Rec player can come in now and dominate.