Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hero's started and played all of its backups. And still beat Coppermine by 3.
Seriously? You are going to tell me that Hero's started and played the entire game with only their "backups"? Wasn't aware that 7th grade lacrosse had "backups". Talk about making excuses!
I don't think they said "entire game". They said started and played. They don't have enough for backups the whole game. And if you don't understand that there are backups at 27's. Then you are naive. And what "excuse"? They won.

Enjoy your participation trophy.
The excuse was they only beat them by 3…& no, I’m not naive, already been through this process & I know of NO teams that have back up players…but if you are happy that your child plays for a team w/ back up players - enjoy

What the heck are you talking about. Also had several children go through this experience and played for top club teams and there are always girls/boys that start every game and some that don't. That may change come high school and recruiting time when they mostly play in showcases and time gets split evenly but at this age of course there are starters and backups. If you don't want to call them backups what do you call them?
They are called players! They pay the same amount of money as the other girls on the team. Yes, I’m aware that there are starters (my daughter is one of them). The person stated that hero’s started & played their back ups, to imply that that was the reason for only losing by 3.