Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
dense question but what do they do for HS? Go back to their own teams. Those clubs are often at the same tournaments.

National teams tend to fall off at the high school level.

While not elite, Mad Dog is the only girls program with a "National" team who keeps its top players in their program.

Will be interesting to see what happens with Alliance. Their best 27 players just made other programs (1 to Heros, 1 to Team 180) and another solid player left to Mad Dog. I can't see them doing well going forward, at least at the A level.

I know the one going to Heros will be a top ranked kid in her class. The team 180 kid is good too. Don’t know the 3rd but yea their loss will really hurt them. I really wonder how these kids from different states get connected to teams here in the east and can make it work.

Some of it is parents looking out; others it is the program itself. My niece who lives in Minnesota has had multiple offers from east coast teams after a strong game against them.

And sometimes it works. 2 Michigan girls from the 25 SW White team just committed to Hopkins.