Originally Posted by Anonymous
National Fall Fest

Eagle Stix 27 Blue Coppermine 27 Black
Eagle Stix -7
If ES can dominate the draw, this will by a runaway

PRIDE 27 RED Phantastix 27 Purple
Pride Red -6
Pride is always underrated

Integrity 27 Green BLC 27 Blue
BLC -5
Integrity could play them tough and BLC tends to play low scoring games

Renegades 27 M&D Shore 27
M&D Shore -2
This one is revealing, how does former LBC team look, renegades one of best B teams

MD United 27 Heros 27 White
MD United -6
Lots of changes on HW this year, may take time to mesh

NEMS 27 M&D 27 Black
M&D -7
This will be intense with 3 former NEMS kids on M&D

PRIDE 27 RED Eagle Stix 27 Blue
Eagle Stix -5
EA will play fast break, not sure Pride can keep up

Coppermine 27 Black BLC 27 Blue
BLC -6
BLC wants to make statement

Renegades 27 Phantastix 27 Purple
Renegades -5
May be a bit too high on Renegades

Integrity 27 Green MD United 27
MD United -2
Teams know each other well, could come down to end

NEMS 27 M&D Shore 27
M&D Shore -3
Both teams lost top scorers, who will step up?

M&D 27 Black Heros 27 White
M&D -7
M&D won't let up.

Eagle Stix 27 Blue BLC 27 Blue
BLC -2
Game of the day, do not overlook BLC, and I think ES do just that.

PRIDE 27 RED Renegades 27
Pride Red -4
Renegades see's their toughest team last, in this case, I think it hurts them.

MD United 27 Coppermine 27 Black
MD United -3
Coppermine is typically solid and doesn't go away.

NEMS 27 Phantastix 27 Purple
NEMS will start to click after a few early games.

M&D 27 Black Integrity 27 Green
M&D -6
Should be great battle on draws

M&D Shore 27 Heros 27 White
Hero's White -1
Calling this upset here.

I think it’s fantastic! Keep it up.