Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I can’t understand Coppermine’s results as most here also mention. They have a group of good coaches on their sidelines. I have also heard a lot of buzz about many girls being recruited to local High Schools too or at least certain parents claim. I believe all go to private schools or will be in HS. I would say they could be as high was 6th but as low as 11th ( out of 27A team). More curious about some other teams- SWB (picked up so talented kids), Integrity (after last year) and M&D Shore (what impact will being associated with M&D have).

Not sure if this is the case with this group, but I have noticed in general that people seem to use the word "recruited" very liberally. What does it actually mean to be "recruited"? That the coach said "hey yeah we'd love to have you."?? Or does it mean that the coaching staff actively pursued the student and/or gave them money towards tuition to attend? I've heard the word used to describe both situations.

Curious about this too. I have a daughter in private school now and am aware of financial aid but do schools actively “recruit “ girls to play at HS? Are they getting free rides or scholarships for athletics? I heard many friends and others talk about it (this school wants her or the coach asked where we are going) but are schools actually actively recruiting or is this just some parents egos? I knows boys have schools that do.

Some schools offer no athletic scholarships at all - it's 100% need based financial aid but those schools still recruit. They reach out to families and encourage them to apply. They invite the kids to events/activities at the school with the current team. There is no real cost or limit to the number of kids they may "recruit" in that manner so that's usually the scenario when someone is saying their kid is being recruited. It's really a "prospect" at that point though.

Where things change and it really becomes "recruiting" is for admission decisions. Coaches can get recruits admitted. I'm not sure families would always even know if that is how their kid got admitted though. It's not really in the schools best interest to make that known. In the end there will be kids who don't get accepted that thought they were recruits but were just prospects.