Great thread. The obvious answer is we need to start talking about the big 8 to10 clubs in the area. It would make these ridiculous tryouts so less stressful instead of trying to maneuver onto one of the big 3 you had 10 choices to choose from instead. Closer distance as well for parents to get kids to practice. We need a diffusion of talent from the big "3" out to 5 or 7 clubs to make them more competitive. Why not start at HoCo or TLC? Minutes available. Look with enough practice and instruction everyone is going to be able to catch and throw with both hands soon. What is going to be in short supply is meaningful minutes in games against good competition for your daughter, unless she is a starter on the big 3. What if it was the big 10 clubs? No more 15-1 games, but close games all the time? Would that not be better for all the players? Forget the clubs reputation let them worry about that. Do not get stuck 3rd string at the big 3.