Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have to agree blue has some very talented players but they do not work as a team. Now I think this is for a few reasons. First some (not all)are just crazy. Yes do think the asst bringing all there friends big issue. They are all playing scared. Scared that they may get moved down. And yes that lady rebels is a very good team but that poster sounds like an idiot when they start saying 2020 actually for the most part u r talking about a 6 month difference3

Exactly how do they sound like an idiot saying you lost to a team consisting mainly of 2020 when you did. I guess you know all their Bdays but the fact remains your Blue team lost to a mainly younger team, have never heard of any other YJ top team doing that. Have to agree that many on that team play scared , only the select few can go to goal and turn it over without fear of losing their spot, have fun watching one of them do it over and over again , eventually the parents will have enough , I hear one of them could not contain themselves first tourny last year resulting in the team parent conversation.

The Rebels team was not a mostly 2020 team.
It was a mostly 2019 team with a few 2018's and 2020's mixed in.
The good news is some of those 2019's that did play for rebels are coming over from top guns.
So i guess the parents liked what they saw.
stop hating.
Nobody plays scared, maybe those are the kids that really dont belong on this team and only have a spot for the wrong reasons.F & F

Initially it was some 2018 girls playing with the team founder daughter playing up. As she fell to her age group the team age did too. Rebels is not a team or club, all it is is a name often used to enter tournaments with. There is no solid roster, it is a misch mosh of who can make it. They even bring two age groups to some tournys, a mainly2019 with a couple 18s mixed in, then play to upper division, and a 2020 team and all are appropriate age, they even have some, or at least one 2021 who plays from time to time. When there are no conflicts yj girls join in on these teams, they were mainly tg driven in the past. Watch now as the rosters and tournament will be more yj driven because guess who drives the rebels? Same girls and parents you've been complaing about for the last month. Looks to me like they know exactly what they are doing and have a finger on the pulse of what's going on.