Originally Posted by Anonymous
Assuming that you know why teams were placed where they were would be like me assuming you are missing teeth because you are from Maryland which would be ignorant.You seem to like a conspiracy theory so compare schedules from 11:00 on.
M&D 1:30, 3:00, 3:45
YJ 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:15, 3:00, 3:45
I repeat Hmmm!!
The difference is I am stating facts , the other fact M&D deserved to win they played a better and smarter game.Congrats to them and enough with the conspiracy nonsense any nut job can find something in nothing.

M&D and others had to be on the fields for at 8:00am first game, I know I was up at 6am to be there, I think i would rather have slept in and gotten to the feilds for 11am. And I remembered to bring my false teeth