Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Really? That's a bunch of pathetic BS.

Those 3 are getting heavily recruited by top D1 coaches so I guess they like how they play. You can say what you like but that's the bottom line isn't it?

Once again your true colors shine through. It does not matter how you play the game, it does not matter if you disrespect your opponents, it does not matter if you are constantly getting yellow cards, it does not matter if you hurt opposing players, all that matters is that you are being recruited. The ends justify the means.

Play the game within in the rules, play the game with some self respect, teach your girls the right way, do it right. Unfortunately this won't happen because the Queen Bee does it her way or you can take the highway. Rule by fear, it's right in their slogan.

You were the biggest program for a long time because you were first. You are still big because now you don't make cuts. You will take any player as long as their parents cash is green. Well your luster is starting to fade. Because of forums like this your program, your coaches and your tactics are being exposed. In Florida this past week you were the talk of the town. People including US Lacrosse are now watching. You must be so proud.