Originally Posted by Anonymous
Memo to above poster, you sound to sane to be on YJ. Parents are here because they are nuts AND they want their kids to be ball hogs. If you are looking for world lacrosse peace I think you are going to be disappointed. Our team is making it but the parents all understand that most sitting next to you are two faced. Its fine as long as you don't trust or get sucked in. Good Luck with your little one because if you are looking for maximum exposure you are in the right place just don't be naive with the other parents.
I appreciate you calling me sane, obviously I'm not completely sane because to drive to NJ three weeks in a row (and on the belt no less) is insane.

There are plenty of parents who share my viewpoints, both on Thorn and Skakandi. But those parents are the ones who sit on the side lines quietly, lay off the refs and cheer the good plays, including good looks, good goals and especially good defense. Both teams have their share of bad seeds who identify their own self worth by their daughters placement on a specific team.

Good luck to both teams and I hope that we both make the finals of the next tournament so the girls can measure their improvements on both teams since their last meeting. Isn't that what 5th grade lax is about? Improving?