Originally Posted by CageSage
Originally Posted by Anonymous
... Maybe if everyone stops being so cruel and indecent to one any another and we all stop engaging in this blog, we can help change the culture. We are the adults, the role models for pur girls, lets all become better examples. ...
BOTC has been around for two years now. Do you think that this "cultural" issue started just with the launch of BOTC? In fact, you have the cause and effect backwards.

This "culture" has existed for years and was only discussed in private telephone conversations, personal e-mails, and sideline chatter. Back of THE CAGE has provided a voice for those previously closeted conversations. The presence of BOTC has shined the light on just how deeply engrained the problems seem to be.

So, think of it this way. Before, there was a set of problems and no one felt free to discuss them much less highlight their perceived issues. Now, there is still that same set of problems and a forum to let others know that they are not alone in the lacrosse community. BOTC has provided you a forum to discuss moving forward. Effectively, you now have a community that can foster change.

However, your answer is to now ignore BOTC and the "community" that has been formed and go back to the old ways which will allow you to "solve" the problem?

Stick your heads in the sand, everything will go away.