There are plenty of superior teams everywhere you go. Take notice of the towns who have superior high school teams and other private elite clubs. The reason so many people hate YJs is because they display no humility or sportsmanship. When you're that good, people notice you, not the bee on the back. That jersey makes the parents feel as if their kids have accomplished something however the truth is their child, if they are on the top team, is a good player whether or not they play for YJ. If you think only the best athletes play for YJ, you are mistaken. Their allure is fading perhaps slowly but surely. For the A team players its a good organization. Anything below that, you are just another athlete. I have heard that they have rounded out the playing time a bit. That's good because traveling to tournaments hours away and watching your daughter play ten minutes in a game seems a little ridiculous and I'm sure it doesn't do much for her confidence either.