Originally Posted by Anonymous
Having a friend who has been a UA coach in the past, there are two things that happen that I suspect most people unless you're the benefactor, would not be okay with. First, the coaches, of course, pick their own players. The evaluation is not "independent" as UA claims. The coaches pick the teams for the most part. The second is the horse-trading - meaning coaches from different age groups talk and make deals. You take my 202X player on your team and I'll take your 202Y player on mine. These are facts, gained by knowing an actual former UA coach.

If, and this is a _BIG_ if, American Select avoids these same mistakes, and has actual independent evaluators, they will be a better showcase in the long term.

Personally, I think it was a mistake to have AS at the same time as UA this year. I think AS should have built up its reputation more because trying to directly compete with UA. Just my opinion.

If you believe the evaluations will be independent, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.