Originally Posted by Anonymous
My original post was simple stating there are several legit players on teams 2-4. It was not a dig nor a complaint. Too many look down at their nose at any team other than Blue. Some of you haters took a compliment to teams 2-4 as another opportunity to pound your chest. No doubt Blue team is best. But if Blue is looking to get better, they could use a few more legit players. Those players can found w/in their own club....and not just players on the Gold team. Good luck to all 2019 teams.

There are no "legit" players on team 4 if by "legit" you mean Division 1 prospects. That doesn't mean those girls should not be playing, having a great experience and getting the most out of lax and friendships etc. But again, you all are drinking the kool-aid if you believe that somehow magically a team 4 player will all of a sudden find athletic prowess. Despite what some of you want to make out of it, this is not a value judgement, just a fact. I wish all of the girls happiness and success in whatever they pursue, and likely for a team 4 girl that ultimate success will come in something other than lacrosse. Not only is there nothing wrong with that, there is a lot right with that.