Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't feel helmets are the answer, it will only make the aggressive play even more aggressive. I think a simple asnswer is maybe US lacrosse should put more teeth into the consequences of yellow and red cards, like two yellow cards in two games means a two game suspension, and four cards in a season means a four games suspension, etc. Additionally, if a team has a certain amount of combined yellow cards, then the team should not be allowed to play in certain tournaments. these are just some quick ideas.

I would guess that this would clean up the game by making coaches and players more sensitive to how they are playing, and it would keep the "too aggressive" players on the sidelines watching.
Your assumption is that there is a standard for reporting cards into US Lacrosse; further, you are assuming that all yellow and red cards are being reported or recorded for processing after the final whistle blows. Even if the recording of data was accurate, how would your multiple game suspensions be processed between tournaments?