Originally Posted by Anonymous
Read Coach Levy's interview, she definitely discourages hard majors in her program. That's a fact. Sure they have a few honors college girls but the the vast majority are soft majors. UNC like UVA and Michigan are very tough to get into because they are state schools and lots of Li kids applying. As far as dual sport athlete, what does that have to do with majors? This is a reality in these programs and parents who are allowing their 8th grader to commit need to know this. Sure there are exceptions but not many.
My real question is because yj is so focused on getting girls recruited early are they limiting girls chances of going to the Ivy League??? My guess is Rose promotes early recruiting more than any other club as a sign of results therefore justifying fees.

In regards to your question, I may answer it with another question. The JY program seems to have many girls committing at an early age. Now is that a top down design (Coach Rose pushing for early recruiting and committing)? Or is that caused by parents who either a) have been attracted to the YJ program for the early recruiting and committing that happens within the program (not a matter of whether you like them or not YJ's get kids recruited), b) parents getting caught up and feeling the anxiety and pressure of having their child commit early out of fear that all spots in their child's incoming freshman year will be taken and there will be few spots remaining for a late commit (which can happen at any club)?
I tend to lean towards the latter (B), though my kids are not of recruiting age yet, I see and have felt the anxiety of trying to get my kids in the best spot for their future athletic career, and development and can only imagine that anxiety getting worse as the showcases and the kids reach the recruitable ages.