Listen up you's guys! Here on da Oiland, we play like men and we teaches our goils to play hard. So what if they gives you's goils a hard whack on the hand, or some spit or a broken leg or ACL. Grow up and play harder you bunch of sissy goils from Merland ! Our goils will be able to survive when they go to da joint. Yous goils will just want to do yois nails.

We are da rulers on da field and the rest of yous goils are just our students. The Yellowjackets are da hardest players in da lax world and da rest of ya's can't take punishment like our goils can.I spits in my goils face every morning just ta teach her a hard lesson. Next time you step on our field you better remember that yer playing against the best from the Oiland. Wear goggles so da spit don't get in yer pretty little eyes. And yes, we will git you in da parking lot and beat yer butts black and blue. We from da Oiland are true sportsmen and we know how ta play by da rules - our rules, you bunch of Merland sissies!