Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Now I'm confused , who is the obsessive one the guy who hates YJ so much he cannot stop posting his venom, or the person who keeps using the words coward and ignorant when describing him.Perhaps it's the mysterious guy in the red hat,or are they all the same person with some sort of split personality.Very confusing and boring at the same time.

How about a challenge to all those posting on these sitesn,let's see who can keep it positive the longest.
No offense but were not a part of your club so we don't know who is a parent for any particular player. So how would we know who to ask. To be quite honest your not the most approachable group of people either. For those of you that say it's over drop it, or who cares I'll tell you I care. I want to know what girl my daughter might have to watch out for. Girls from your club severely hurt 2 girls this summer and you want to just forget about it. Those girls can't forget about it, there in casts and and going to surgeries, sorry this doesn't jive with your agenda

Seems to me the poster just wants an answer to the post. An opinion I think it was. Seems odd no one will give it especially since they give it on every other topic. Makes you go hmmm....

It was posted a couple of times that no one remembers the play. maybe they didn't know she got hurt. maybe they don't post. maybe they weren't there. Who knows? everyone is anonymous anyway! Does it really matter? Like someone said, ask the parents when you see them. No need to come up with reasons why sane people aren't reacting to anonymous posts online! Crazy!! Let's just try to keep it positive and communicate like human beings did before the availability of internet forums!