You keep spending your money and keep supporting then. I'll choose whatever gives me max benefit from the dollars I spend. Outside of the final 4, I'd be disappointed in the level of competition at this tournament if it was held next door. Spend the money on President's Cup in November instead. All the top clubs will be represented and all the coaches will be there to see you play. You get so much more at a cost less than this year's U15.

Also, didn't the kids that went to U15's miss the IWLCA Champion's Cup? Missed a major East Coast recruiting event sponsored by the coaches association..not only an expensive choice but a poor one too.

You cannot have it both ways, you all want a true national championship that is run by a neutral party and then [lacrosse] that its not a national championship because you did not go. YJ does not need your help getting recruited but thanks for your advice.Maybe if all the best teams went it would become more of a recruiting event.Keep hearing the same nonsense that many MD clubs have kids that are lets say on the older end maybe that's why you don't go.