[/quote]Here we go again with not letting facts get in the way of truth. The population of LI is 8 million. The population of MD is 6 million. As far as LI having no major cities, that probably helps LI's numbers since it is suburbs. Being that lax is a upper-middle class, white dominated sport, I'm not sure the inner city kids of Baltimore add much to the recruiting numbers.[/quote] Long Island is considered Nassau and Suffolk counties only, Queens and Brooklyn are a part of new [lacrosse] City, so seeing as you keep using the phrase "here we go not letting fact get in the way of the truth", let us not forget the fact that you stated not only Maryland, but also Virginia as a part of you hotbed of lacrosse. So lets not let the facts escape use will use your extensive knowledge of the N.Y metropolitan area as facts and use 8 million as a reference for us, and your 6 million for you, but then we must also add another 7.5 million for Virginia seeing as you chose to add them in, giving us a total of 13.5 million people. If I am not mistaken thats pretty close to double the size. Continuing to use your "logic" (if you want to call it that?) we get to erase about 5 million from that because Queens and Brooklyn are inner city areas and don't add much to the recruiting numbers (none actually, not one single recruit). To be fair you said Baltimore shouldn't count so lets get rid of those numbers (622,000) and we get around 12.8 million people for you and 3 million for us. So let me apologize, I stand corrected, it's not double, your hotbed has 4x as many people while only producing a whopping 89 more recruits. Looks pretty sad for you. but lets not let the facts get in the way of your little fantasy.