Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
When HS careers end, and these girls go off to a very impressive list of colleges...where are they after college? Have they been able to utilize their college experience to position themselves for a successful career?
With all the emphasis on lacrosse, is there time for academics?
Where have the past 6-12 years worth of early commitments ended up in the real world?

Many have substitute teaching jobs as they look for fulltime employment and do coaching and training for travel programs. The rest get regular jobs like everyone else and won't play again until they coach their daughters PAL team

Except for the very small handful of girls that will compete for a national championship the rest will continue to compete in college on a club or varsity program playing a game they like with like minded girls who are their friends. This committing and all the other BS surrounding it means nothing in the end. Let them play, have some fun, and get a degree. We have been through it and were wound tighter than most. In hindsight we stressed way more than our daughter. She just wanted to play and we just wanted to say she committed. She was smarter than us.