Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
2020 blue is going to be the strongest team now that the best player on LI is coming over from TG. Now the drama will start with at least 4 blue players getting bumped to yellow and 4 more on the bottom of blue seeing their minutes go to the new kids.

If only it was that easy. The bottom 4, 5, or whatever, are not necessarily the girls that will get bumped. This team is LOADED with F&F. There are certain girls, that although clearly on the bottom, are going nowhere.

From a favorite town...check
Have older sister on a blue team...check
pay the coach for private training...check
relative of a coach...check

There will be some very good girls left in this wake. And I know some YJ Loyalists will say it isn't so, but everyone else knows the truth. Good Luck 2020...

this is right on the $ and i know exactly who those check marks are. sad.

Stop being a douchbag ,if your kid is a top 20 player she will be on the top team , yes some spots are taken by politics but to act like every kid from certain schools or every kid with an older blue sister does not deserve it is ridiculous. You know exactly who they are then stop being a coward and tell us .