Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
"Well said. Definitely not the YJ model to push the ivy's since you can't commit in 8th grade! After top 10 in D1 it's a free for all. If you look at some of the schools on these lists it's pretty clear some parents are just sending their kids to any college that will give them a few bucks to play."

This statement is just idiotic. Not YJ model, YJ has been at this long before kids in 8th or even 10th grade were committing.You have no idea why those kids are committing to some of the schools that they are .You sound like a snobbish [lacrosse] when you put down kids who are going to college but not Ivy.

The poster didn't sound snobbish or like a douchbag. He/she was making some very valid points. If you don't think C.R. sees the value in an early commit list, and has altered her business model accordingly than either you are extremely naive, or you don't think very highly of C.R. business savvy. The original statement was pretty clear, and still very true, the Yellow Jackets do not send a lot of kids to the Ivy league, and when they do go they do not do well on the field. The statement that Liberty sense, statistically, more kids to Ivy's than any other club is still ,also true. Wether it's because D.G. has better connections (she does), or that the kids that play for her are very good students (they are), the fact remains the same. As for the overly obnoxious comment that liberty is just a Manhasset extension, all I can say is that may be true. I will also say that D.G. is an excellent coach, and the girls and parents are wonderful to be around, and no I am in that minority that does not live there (but secretly don't we all wish we could). I must also bring to light that out of all the girls that committed for the Y.J., and you all love to brag about this, only 2 are going Ivy, ! from St Anthony, and I know this is going to bother some of you, but the other is from Manhasset. With all her connections I wounded how much D.G. had to do with that because we know that C.R. probably couldn't. Lastly, PowderI hope I did better this time when you do my grammar and spelling this time.

Haha, no problems from me. I liked your post.