Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Amazing some people would rather show up and get a forfeit than play against kids who may not have been on the roster but are filling in for kids who could not be there.Who cares?

Here's the point. Instead of asking many of the Sayville 6th graders to play, he decided to go outside his town first. There would have been no forfeit so stop the drama. I just believe the town should come first. Many have stated that PAL is a joke. Fine. Then why would you have your out of town YJ girl even play? To prove that your daughter is good?

Absolutely agree those filthy kids who live outside the district lines should never mingle with our precious Sayville kids. The next thing you know they will become friends and then what , play dates with those low class BBP kids. Grow up , who cares where they live , if you need some players to fill a roster and there are kids willing to do it then good for them. Out of Town YJ girl, seriously you sound like the reason he asked those kids to play and not yours.Next time you see the coach why not let him know if he is ever in need of some players your kid would love to do it.

I have no horse in this race but it seems you don't get it. Instead of asking kids in Sayville to play on his team, which is a SAYVILLE team, he instead went outside of the town and selected girls on his daughter's travel team instead. Not only is this against the rules, it is not honoring the game and his own town.

I am a town pal director and that coach would be removed from coaching and never be allowed to coach again. Some people just don't get it.