Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I also completely disagree. Top Guns are the National Champs!

Which year of graduation won the national championship , I believe at least three YJ teams won the national draw with many of their ( if not most) 2nd level teams placing above your TG black teams. When comparing graduation year teams which is what all but one tournament are based on there is no comparison YJ is clearly better at each and every age which is the reason so many of TG top players want to switch over.

You guys are crazy with all these useless comparisons...who cares? As long as your daughter is happy, and is in the right place, what difference does it make. YJ definitely has a better track record, but TG is a much younger program, so you can't even really correctly compare them at this point.

Every year someone mentions all the TG top players wanting to leave. There's no accuracy to a dumb, general statement like that.

Just enjoy the summers with your daughters, have as much fun as you can, because it goes fast. Why not root for all LI clubs to do well, especially when you're not even facing them? It's silly that adults have so much animosity towards another program...